a long road traveled, without cellphone service.

Good Morning Mesa Verda

We left the mountain at 10:30 and made our way to go see the Four Corners Monument. Taking route 160 through Colorado all the way there. We found the scenery change from green and rocky to sandy and flat.

Utah, Colorado, Arizona & New Mexico

as we headed for the next destination, we traded a sandy desert scenery for a red clay one when we crossed the border in Utah.

I fell in love with wild horses.

Our first sighting of the Grand Canyon

Somehow we ended up getting to the canyon much earlier than we expected, so we decided to check into a hotel and stay the night. We did not repeat our previous mistake of picking a hotel with with only one smiley and instead went with a nice 2 star room at the Knights Inn. We had to drive to a bordering town since all the hotels located in Coconino were booked. So we stayed in Williams, AZ which is an hour south of the Southern Rim of the Grand Canyon

As we are driving through the desert, I can’t help but notice all of the random beaten up trailers that someone calls home. Located in the middle of nowhere, with absolutely no cellphone service or any visible means of current technology, brings a life perspective that I could never image for myself. The thought that most, if not all of these people, living out in a trailer in the desert, would never have the opportunities I have had, truly makes me appreciate everything I have and realize how lucky I have been.

It seems so crazy to me, as I am writing this blog entry, what vastly different sceneries I have viewed in one day. I hadn’t slept the night before, but was able to stay awake the majority of the day. I saw a place were an ancient civilization lived in the sides of a mountain, drove into the sandy deserts of Colorado, experienced the dry clay rock formations in Monument Valley, Utah, got a glimpse of the Grand Canyon, and then ended my night in a National Forest of Colorado. I feel like I am seeing and doing so many things in such a short period, that its so hard to take it all in at once.

I have a feeling that I won’t be able to process everything I’ve seen until my adventure is over.

Tomorrow we are checking out of the Knights Inn at 2:30 to go sit on the edge of the Grand Canyon & watch the sun rise. I can’t wait to experience every minute of it.

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